Paloma Media Podcast

Fighting to Keep People Alive: Christopher Chambers of the ICRC

Episode Summary

"There are some people who will make Molotov cocktails and jump down on an armored personnel carrier," says Christopher Chambers, an attorney, professor at Georgetown, and board member of the International Conflict Resolution Center. "We can't stop that, but what we're trying to get people to do is take shelter. The [Ukrainian] government said, we are fighting to the bitter end but we are not going to let our civilians be murdered." Chambers spoke yesterday with Jack Henneman, creator of "The History of the Americans" podcast and himself someone with ties to Ukraine. Here, Henneman asks Chambers whether NATO and the 1990s left Russia feeling insecure, whether Putin's neo-Soviet mindset keeps him chasing a semblance of the former Soviet Union, and if that has been his objective all along. Bonus: A speakeasy in Lviv where, to prove you are not Russian, you must take a shot of Ukrainian vodka before entering.

Episode Notes

Related links:

The International Conflict Resolution Center

The History of the Americans podcast